
19 December 2014

30 Day Juice Challenge

Awal2 tahun tu hari aku pernah buat juice challenge. 
Ye lah, masa tu kan masih bersemangat waja sgt nak eat clean kan.
Lepas tu.. lepas tu hanyutt... 
Eat health ke mana, eat clean ke mana.
Pastu jerawat tumbuh melata macam orang baru nak ada hormon remaja, dah badan lemau macam biskut lemau, baru rasa eh, kena start eat clean balik nih.

So, jom lah buat 30 Day Juice Challenge nih.
Best la pulak yang ni. 
Siap ada kalendar online.
Resepi juice dia pun simple2 ja.

Takde la menda2 pelik2 pun. Kalau ada yg 'pelik', kita tukar lah ikut apa kegemaran kita.

First thing yang mesti ada untuk juice challenge ni adalah - juicer. Kenapa? Blender tak boleh?
Tgk FAQ dia. Dah la jawapan dia cam kelakar je. Haha.

Why can't I use a blender?
Answer: Because it's not a juicer.
Don't worry, you're not stupid, this is just part of the learning process. Let us help:
Juicers make juice. Blenders make smoothies. A smoothie isn't juice.
Our recipes are made with juicers in mind. If a recipe tastes great juiced, it may come out gross or have a weird texture to it when blended. If you don't have a juicer and still really want to do this, you can google "juicing with a blender" for a possible way to do it. The ninja/nutribullet/vitamix and similar blenders don't juice, they make smoothies. I don't care what your grandma told you, it's still a blender. There's no amount of blending that will make it a juicer.

(kalau takde juicer takpe, blender pun boleh, tapi kena rajin lah tapis segala. Tapi, kalau blender kena guna air banyak. Kalau juicer ni tak perlu tambah air pun. Buah tu yang akan keluarkan juice dia. Sbb itu lah nama nya juicing. Tapi, kalau nak cari juicer tu - utk beginner - juicer biasa pun boleh - tak perlu la slow juicer bagai tu unless mmg hasrat dan azam tahun 2015 hehari nak ber-juicer)

Cam aku kata tu, nak buat resepi sendiri pun takde masalah.

Can I use my own recipes?
Answer: Yes.
We give you a suggested shopping list and recipe plan, but you're free to use any recipe you want. The challenge is to drink at least 1 glass of juice a day. How you accomplish that is up to you! Drink carrot juice for 30 days if you want.

Kalau ter skip satu hari ke, cemna? Who cares?? Hahaha.

What if I miss a day?
Answer: Who cares?
Even though the goal is to juice every day for 30 days, don't worry if you miss a day! Just keep going!

Jus ada kalori jugak kan? Tgk jawapan dia. Mmg sempoi abis. Haha.

Seems like a lot of calories
Answer: Come on.
A juice calorie isn't the same as a potato chip calorie. Juice sugar isn't the same as coke's sugar. Don't be concerned about getting fat off of juice.

Jadi, sapa rasa nak try2 juicing, cuba lah dengan juicing challenge nih. Siap dah shopping list, siap dah dengan resepi, ada kalendar pun dia dah siapkan. Just kita buat saja. Nak skip2 pun buleh, nak buat direct 30 hari pun buleh. Ikut kita lah. Nak start bebila pun buleh.
Just register saja [link : 30 Day Juice Challenge] Dan buleh baca lelain FAQ yang menarik kat situ. Oh ya, web ni mmg bagus utk cari resepi juice. Sbb dia ada list kan keperluan juice tu. Katakan utk kurus - ada jus dia, utk dry skin ada jus dia [link : Health Juice Recipe]

Ni saya punya. Register 12hb (tp sbb dia ikut time omputih sana, dia still tulis 11hb) dan nak start on 20 Dec 2014. Cea.. tu dia..semangat aih.. Mungkin tak dapat buat direct sbb nati ada nak balik kampung, nak pergi jalan2. But, seperti dalam FAQ tu - Who Cares???  Haha.

Wiii.. tak sabar nak juicing2 macam dulu tu yang masa rajin sgt juicing2 tu. Heeheehee

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Terima kasih atas komen anda :)

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