
25 January 2017

Rizq's First Tooth

Dak Rizq dah tumbuh gigi.
Masa umur dia masuk 6 bulan.
Masa tu bufday mak iyer.

Sebatang cuma.
Suppose 2 batang kan.
Bila baca artikel2, normal katanya tumbuh sebatang.
Normal tu normal lah.
Tapi kang, gigi dia tak sama tinggi lah kan.
Satu pendek satu tinggi. 
Eh. Tak cantik nya.
Tak seragam!

Baby teeth: Order of appearance

In what order will your child's baby teeth come in?
Most children's baby teeth — also known as primary teeth, deciduous teeth, or milk teeth — emerge in a certain order. Exactly when they'll appear can vary, but here's what you're likely to see as your child transitions from gums to 20 pearly whites.

Lower central incisors
The bottom middle teeth typically come in first, between 4 and 7 months. These little pioneers usually arrive around the same time.

Upper central incisors
The upper middle teeth come next, usually between 8 and 12 months. Your bunny looks so hoppin' cute!

Upper lateral incisors
Around 9 to 13 months, you'll see the upper teeth to the right and left of center, giving your baby a row of four Tic Tacs across the top.

Lower lateral incisors
The lower teeth to the right and left of center make their debut around 10 to 16 months. Now your baby can flash quite the toothy smile.

Upper first molars
Your child's first molars — the wider teeth toward the back of the mouth — erupt on the top between about 13 and 19 months. They won't have much to do until their pals on the bottom show up.

Lower first molars
The companion molars on the bottom emerge around 14 to 18 months. Now your toddler can really show those crackers who's boss.

Upper canines
Also called a cuspid, the upper canine fills the gap between the incisors and first molars at 16 to 22 months. Fun fact: These teeth are sometimes called dog teeth.

Lower canines
The lower cuspids make their appearance around 17 to 23 months. Your child's smile is probably the brightest it'll ever be, since baby teeth are whiter than permanent teeth.

Lower second molars
The rear molars usually poke through on the bottom first, between 23 and 31 months. Kids don't usually complain of much teething pain at this stage — maybe because they're busy looking at their favorite book five times in a row.

Upper second molars
Around 25 to 33 months, the final teeth — the rear molars on the top — creep into place. By age 3, most kids have a full set of 20 baby teeth and can give you a brilliant grin.

Kredit Artikel : babycenter

Seronok memang seronok tgk dak kecik ni tumbuh gigi.
Hanya bf mom yang mengerti.
Datang dia geram tu......
Dulu guna gusi pun dah cukup.
Ni tambah plak gigi yang ya hampun tajam nya!

Terima kasih atas komen anda :)

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