
29 October 2013

Kenapa Perlu Vitamin C

The Health Benefits of Vitamin C

So what is so important about this essential vitamin? Vitamin C contains antioxidants, which help fight off free radicals in the body, warding off inflammation, infections, and viruses. Furthermore, by helping to build proteins in various types of cellular constructions, vitamin C also protects against heart attacks and strokes. In general, this nutritional element promotes better vascular health and longevity.

New studies have shown even more significant health benefits of vitamin C, where the vitamin has proved to be useful in breaking down some kinds of oxidized fats. This suggests that vitamin C may even be important in preventing things like Alzheimer’s disease or autoimmune problems, as well as atherosclerosis, another problem of the circulatory system.

Doctors are often well versed about how this simple vitamin can affect multiple body processes. One specific manifestation of vitamin C effects is in its promotion of healthy teeth and gums. Periodontal problems and other related issues can be curbed with large intakes of vitamin C, although many other factors also apply. Generally, getting your daily recommended dose of vitamin C helps the body to handle challenges and build healthy tissues, while using the natural antioxidants to protect the body from outside invaders.

kredit : Here
Maaf la.. aku qoute yg omputihnya je. Sbb yg melayu nyer, rata-rata 'penjual' vitamin C. Hihihi.
Oke, takpe. Vitamin C mmg selalu orang perkatakan. Sbb nya vitamin ni lah paling mudah didapati (dari buah la..bukan yg tablet tu). Dan juga khasiat nya yang pelllllbagaaaaiiiiii...

Jadi, mari la kita makan vitamin C. Tak kesah la tablet punya ke apa ke. 

Tapi aku prefer makan 'raw product' terus.
Lagi bes kot. Makan kiwi. Makan oren. Makan strawberry.
Amalkan makan vitamin C utk kesihatan anda. 

p/s : Dulu, MyDH selalu selsema. Aku salu cakap dia tak cukup Vit. C (aku mmg jarang kena sbb masa kekecik dulu mmg asik kena paksa makan supplemen). Tapi, skrg, sbb aku selalu juicing (oren, bayam, epal hijau etc.etc) maka,dia pun dah jarang selsema and batuk. Alhamdulillah... Allah jua la penyembuhnya atas usaha kita :)

Terima kasih atas komen anda :)

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