The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results and post it as your answer...then tag 6 other blogger/reader/people....
I'm (wahh...bes apsal kuar gmbo ida nerina yg panas..panas..panas tu bila aku google nama aku yer..haiya!..talak sopan)
I really want to go to (Ini tpt sedari kecik aku nak pi..tatau leh pi ke tak)
My favourite place (apa ni yer..haha.soping kompleks lah)
My favourite things (my enpon lah)
My favourite food
My favourite colour
I live in (aku sker gambo ni..aku rasa aku tau kat mana kedai ni)

I was born in
My school (ni gambo Raja Chulan..jd pikir2kan lah sekolah aku tu)

My favourite series/story (ada ke cite non..haha..pikir2 kan la gak)
My hobby (surf internet-cewah!)
I wish (to love n b loved)
pnstoberi:sapa nak buat..buat ler yer.
Terima kasih atas komen anda :)